Pizza is an all time favorite, generally loved by everyone. Whether fresh out the oven or cold from the night before, the simple combination of bread, cheese, and tomato sauce makes for the perfect trio. Sadly, most people have only had a standard pie and never tried what some consider the best style/type of pizza of all time, the Chicago deep dish.
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Unlike most pizza pies, the Chicago deep dish is unlike any. It’s almost made like a cake with layers. It starts off with the dough- in a deep baking pan, and then it’s layered with cheese, tomato sauce, cheese tomato sauce and more cheese and tomato sauce and if you like, sprinkled with your favorite meats and/or toppings along the way. Some say it’s best pizza ever made and the only way you should eat pizza, while others think it’s ok.
Try it out for yourself and let us know what you think.
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What are your thoughts on the Chicago deep dish? Do you see why it can be considered the greatest style of pizza ever made?
SHARE this story, see what other’s think and check out the video below on how to make your own Chicago deep dish pizza.
[youtube clipid=”qgcGjcoQrVI” autoplay=”0″]