No matter what hood or coast your from, chances are when you hear the word “Nutcracker,” you don’t think of the ballet at all. Over the last 4-6 years, if not longer, the Nutcracker has become a popular black market, bathtub punch that will literally knock you on your a*s, but keep you refreshed with a nice buzz during the warm summer months.
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Back during the Prohibition era, bootleggers sold cheap and sometimes toxic liquor and moonshine at speakeasies for as little as 25 cents to pay rent and make a living. Now, people are still bottling up this liquor concoction. The only difference? It’s no longer $.25, it’s now $10.
A Nutcracker is a blend of various hard liquors and fruit juices that are bottled up in sealed plastic bottles or Styrofoam cups and sold for $10 in various hoods, concert/festival parking lots, and everywhere nationwide.
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Like Kool-Aid, a Nutcracker “mixologist” said:
It’s definitely a summer drink, and I try to serve them as cold as possible. It’s a fruity drink, so you don’t have to sip it with your face all scrunched up; you feel really nice without getting totally bombed out.
The beauty of the Nutcracker is that there’s no right or wrong way to make it — it’s all about mixing together what liquors and juices you ‘think’ work well together. As readers we want to challenge you to make your own Nutcracker and let us know how it comes out.
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