performs onstage during the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum on August 24, 2014 in Inglewood, California.
Photo by Mark Davis/Getty Images
Work, Iggy, work! Finally, a sex tape story that could rival Kim Kardashian’s.
Vivid Entertainment has reportedly gotten their greasy paws on a sex tape that features iconic female rapstress Iggy Azalea.
When initial reports broke about the tape Iggy’s reps staunchly denied it’s existence and told Huffington post, “It is categorically not Iggy Azalea in the video in question. She has never been involved in any sexually explicit recordings.”
However, TMZ reported that Vivid Entertainment exec Steven Hirsch says that he’s confident it’s Iggy rockin’ it under the sheets and has now offered a seven figure deal for the video–the only problem is Iggy keeps maintaining that it’s not her “fancy” booty filling up the screen and that they’ll sue over the footage if it’s released.
HOWEVER–to top things off–Iggy’s people have most recently stated that IF the footage happens to be of Iggy, it must be revenge porn from an ex-boyfriend that could have been filmed without her knowledge, and it’s also possible that she might have been underage–rendering the video child pornography.
Something isn’t adding up here. If this is the shaky tune that Iggy’s people are whistling now, it’s certainly possible that she realized that this video is out there and it’s real.
Iggy has made her thoughts abundantly clear via Twitter, and they’re brilliant: