Top 25 Classic Hip-Hop Album Covers From The 90’s

Lil Kim,Hardcore (1996)

[mobilead]Lil Kim 'Hardcore' cover art

Lil Kim changed the rap game for woman especially with her super hard core rap lyrics. Her 1996 Hardcore album cover was an image you saw hanging up on a lot of people’s walls back in the 90’s.


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Hip Hop My Way

HipHopMyWay has a pulse on all things Hip Hop, and is now committed to showcasing NEW unsigned/undiscovered talent. Our mission is to give the culture of Hip Hop a reliable platform and community. We are a digital community where you can discover talent and new music from Independent Artists, Producers, Songwriters & DJ's. Vote for your favorite performers and help them win opportunities. We provide resources and tips from top industry experts to help educate our members.