There was once a time when the quality of a rapper’s music was enough to keep he or she relevant in landscape of Hip Hop. But now it seems with short form content dominating the algorithms, artists are releasing extreme amounts of content to establish of maintain relevance. Whether it’s factual that the attention span of the fans is shortening, many up artists seem to find the need to release shorter songs on a more consistent basis.
According to OkayPlayer, In 2008, Philadelphia MC Freeway launched the Month of Madness campagin where he released a song a day for a month. In 2010, rapper Gorilla Zoe upped the month-long release ante by dropping a whopping 28 mixtapes in 28 days. Two years later, prolific Bay Area rapper Lil B released a single mixtape with 855 songs and continued this onslaught of songs per tape for years to come. (Lil B has released multiple 100 song mixtapes.)
Just recently, rapper Russ released 11 mixtapes before pivoting to a song a week drops on Soundcloud for over two years. Flee Lord released an album a month in 2020, while, in 2021, Papoose released an album a month on DSPs. Fighting for relevance and listeners is linked to quantity now more than ever.
The following up and coming artist have designed campaigns that seem to have a winning formula when it come to building a fanbase. The idea is to come up with ways to release a surprisingly large amount of content.
Artist: Ogranya
Campaign: Project 52
Description: Release a song a week on DSPs for a year and periodically update campaign progress on social media.

Artist: Connor Musarra
Campaign: 365 songs in 365 days
Description: Release a mini music video of a song written in one day, every day on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, & Youtube for an entire year.

Artist: Danny G
Campaign: #10kin22
Description: Post 10,000 pieces of content on social media in a year.

For more artist content campaign ideas, see more campaign ideas at OkayPlayer.