Kendrick Lamar On Why He Can’t Stop Using The N Word

Kendrick Lamar

Chris Weeks/ Getty Images

For decades within and outside of hip hop, the N word has always been a topic of controversy, giving off mixed emotions depending on who says it. There have even been calls to “bury” the word, but some artists (Black and White) have argued anyone should be allowed to say the n-word in context. Which to be honest, it’s pretty fair when you think about it.

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In a recent interview with NME, Grammy Award winning-Compton rapper Kendrick Lamar talks about the use of the N word and how he may not be able to stop using. Now if you listen to Kendrick’s music or have bared witness to any of his interviews, Kendrick is perceptive, super articulate and speaks from an honest and fair place. In this interview, he did just that as the rapper admits it would be difficult for him to simply remove the word from his vocabulary:

The closest I can do to stopping is putting the root word, negus, on my album. But I don’t know if I’m there mentally to stop saying the n-word yet. I dunno, maybe one day. That’s 27 years of reversing that word, I probably been saying that since I was one-year-old.

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Further giving life to his claim, single breaks down the N word from an educated stance in “i”, where he offers an explanation on how the “n-word” derived from the word “negus.” The Compton emcee says on the song, “N-E-G-U-S, definition: royalty, king… N-E-G-U-S, description: Black emperor, king, ruler.” He ends “i” with, “Kendrick Lamar, by far, realest negus alive.”

SHARE your thoughts and see if other’s share the same views as you and while your at it check out Kendrick Lamar’s song “i” below.

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Hip Hop My Way

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