Kim K strikes back, Unfollows Cuckoo Kanye

Kim K strikes back, Unfollows Cuckoo Kanye

C’mon Ye

I’m pretty sure by now you’re quite tired of reading about Kanye’s latest shenanigans. We’re most certainly tired of writing about them. For this to be the same guy who would run from paparazzi because of the “unwanted” attention, he seems to be enjoying the responses from his numerous, now infamous IG posts. Whether Kanye is digging up old dirt, confessing his love for Kim, or just RANTING IN ALL CAPS, he seems to have a newfound love for the popular social media app. But today, his estranged ex wife, Kim K strikes back.

Is the block button next?

However, if Kanye was attempting to get anywhere near Kim’s good graces, he may have just taken a step in the wrong direction. Earlier today, Kanye once again took to Instagram to sling insults at the man he has since dubbed “Skete”. (Which we think is hilarious). Along with the words, “This is not harassment, this is payback”, Ye posted a 2018 comedy sketch of Pete Davidson referring to Kanye dealing with some mental health issues. Furthermore, in the sketch, Davidson also mocked West for his bizarre allegiance to MAGA, which also must’ve not sat too well with the rapper.

He also typed this in his now signature all CAPS method, “HI SKETE YOU GOT ANYMORE MENTAL HEALTH JOKES FOR ME?” Honestly, at this point, he is beginning to seem more obsessed with “Skete” than he with Kim. And as we all love to root for Kanye to win in his endeavors, it’s becoming harder each day to follow his madness.

Today I think Kim is in agreeance with us as she hit the unfollow button on her ex-husbands profile. After his latest attacks on her new boyfriend, Kim has seemingly had enough. I wonder how this will effect Ye moving forward. Because if his latest behavior is any indication of a man scorned, that unfollow might’ve taken him over the top.

While it is important we take mental health more seriously, we must keep in mind, “Skete”, is indeed, a comedian.

Stay tuned for more Hip Hop news.

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Hip Hop My Way

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